Monday, April 21, 2008


Here is a picture of Easyn waiting for us to walk out to the car this morning.  She is always so happy in the mornings.  

5 months old

Ellasyn Ramey is 5 months old today!  She loves to smile and giggle, as you can see in the picture.  She is wearing a cute, little outfit that Brooke Kemp gave us.  She has also started rolling over a lot.  This has become more of an issue at night.  Before falling asleep, she rolls over and then after some time, she gets frustrated and cries.  She does not roll over from front to back yet, so maybe once she is able to do that, she will not get upset.  It might also have something to do with the fact that she is still in the bassinet and has limited space.  We were hoping the house would sell faster than this.  If it had, we would have moved Emersyn out of her crib to a big girl bed and given her crib to Ellasyn.  We may have to do that soon anyway, as opposed to waiting until we move......since that seems like it is never going to happen!

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Playing at Cameron Brown Park

We had an open house today so we had to leave for a couple hours. After driving around to see what houses we may never get to buy since I do not know if our house will ever sell, we decided to stop at Cameron Brown Park. There were lots of people. Emersyn and Easyn enjoyed climbing, sliding, and swinging. Ellasyn just slept in her carrier (what a life). The girls had fun and Mommy and Daddy were tired. And wouldn't you know, no one showed up for the open house! Oh well! We had fun at the park!

The third picture is of Emersyn pauting about getting in trouble for something. She even tried to get sympathy from another family before settling on the sidewalk. What a drama queen!!
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After church...

There pictures were taken after church. getting all three to halfway look at the camera proves to be a huge challenge! Below is a great action shot of Easyn during one of the many moments I was trying to get them to stand still. I caught her in mid-jump!
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Wednesday, April 16, 2008

My Emersyn is such a big girl!!

Emersyn is almost finished with her first year of school.  She is in Ms. Mary's 3 year old preschool class at Central Learning Center (Central Day School at Central Church).  I had to spend the night there last February to get her in.  We have been very happy and Ms. Mary's personality is the perfect fit for Emersyn.  

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Playing on the moonbounce!

Easyn and Emersyn loved playing in the moonbounce at Jordan Ezekiel's birthday party.

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Emersyn's first REAL playdate

Emersyn went over to a friend's house without me for the first time. She went to her friend Jordyn Landon's house. Jordyn is in her class at school and I went to school with her mom. Jordyn's mom picked up Emersyn and I came and got her about 3 hours later. I would have loved to have been a fly on the wall. Jordyn's mom is a kindergarten teacher and had made volcanoes at school. She made volcanoes with Emersyn and Jordyn which was a hit with Emersyn since she is OBSESSED with volcanoes...of course, this is why Jordyn's mom chose this activity.
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